Sunday, November 13, 2011

"Dark Depths" by Marta Molina

I think the Marit Lage done by Marta here is a billion times better than the Marit Lage art featured on the official Coldsnap token. That art was pretty lame.

Dark Depths Magic the gathering card art altered art magic the gathering mtg card art Marit Lage art Coldsnap Vampire Hexmage magic the gathering land art

Just for completeness, here's the unimpressive art featured on the foil Coldsnap Token for Marit Lage. Which art do you like better: original Marit Lage or Marta's Marit Lage?

Marit Lage Foil Coldsnap Token Dark Depths Vampire Hexmage Magic the Gathering MTG Card
Check out the main page for the latest Magic the Gathering art updates!


  1. Gotta go with Marta's here. The original looks pretty poorly constructed. I can't even tell what's going on.

  2. I like Marta's better!
